
A lot of website users have come into the habit of automatically looking to the footer when trying to find a piece of information. Due to this, it makes sense to include a mini-sitemap by having links to your most popular pages here. In tandem with this, the link to your full website sitemap can find itself positioned nicely in the footer also. This is because albeit being an important page, you would not usually give this the same amount of space and visibility as of one of your core website pages.


Why not utilise the footer space as a call-to-action also? For those who visit your website and read all the way to the bottom of a page or pages, you can position a call-to-action as the next thing that they see. This can take the form of a flashy and eye-catching button or even a sign-up form. In this way, users naturally progress from satisfying their curiosity to then continuing to interact with your website more.


If you were to imagine the footer as providing visitors with a snapshot of your website and all that it contains, you would want your contact information here. Therefore stating your contact address (e-mail or physical location) along with at least one contact telephone number is a good idea when adding information to your footer. This also means that visitors don’t have to make a single tap or click on your website; they can simply scroll down and see how to contact you.

External Associations

If you have any links with or accreditations from external companies, adding their logos into your footer has a very professional and esteemed feel to it. This shows that you are an established enough business entity to warrant external and independent assessments of your business which you are happy to share. Having logos and/or images in your footer also breaks the norm from blocks of text.

Social Media

Following on from the logos mentioned in the last point, social media logos and icons that are linked to your business accounts can sit nicely in the footer. Again these offer a break from a pure text-based footer and it is also a suitable place for them to live. Having outbound links is also a good SEO trait that Google will pick up on and implement into your search engine rankings.

From your website header, footer and everything in between – the team at Whelan Web Design can make for you the best possible website to suit your needs. Get in touch with us today to have a business, personal or any type of website that you need designed and you will not be disappointed.

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