What is a Push Notification?

Simply put, a push notification is an alert that appears on the home screen of a mobile phone. This alert is generated from your app and usually takes the form of a message such as “Half price sale on all flip-flops! Sale ends tonight at midnight!” With this, you bring your company into the consciousness of those who have your app as the notification appears with your company/app name in the header.

Control and Push Notifications

You control the push notifications themselves in that they can be sent or scheduled from your app dashboard. Depending on how your app was built, you may have options to send this only to a particular cohort such as by age demographic or location etc. In tandem with this, those who have downloaded your app also have an element of control here. They can decide if they want to receive push notifications at all and if so, they can use their mobile device settings to control how this appears on their device i.e. as a full pop-up window or just a header or badge icon.

Push Notifications per Industry

While universal in their functionality, the approach that a push notification takes is often dictated per industry. This is because different messages and alerts work differently per business – there is no one size fits all.  The leisure and hospitality sector can let users now of room availability or if there are any special offers or last minute deals running, the eCommerce industry can convey sales and promotions and even updates on stock levels and the health and fitness industry can let their users know when a class becomes full or has to be rescheduled or cancelled.

Harness the power of your apps unique features to make contact with your customer base directly and reach them via push notifications. This is an effective way to put your business into their train of thought when they may not have been otherwise thinking of it, thus increasing your possibility of conversions.

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