A key to website management is to keep at it to maintain an active business website. By spending one hour on it a day from Monday to Friday, you can cover all bases and effectively manage the SEO, speed, content and safeguarding of your website. Break the following items down into one per day to be completed and spend no more than an hour at each.

Search Engine Optimisation

This is a measurable task as you can complete it page by page on your website. Pick a page – let’s say your ‘About Us’ page –and spend an hour to make sure it is optimised as best as possible. How can you do this? Well some examples would be to increase your keyword density, add external website links and make sure that any images on the page have alternative text entered that includes your keyword. These are just a few examples but plugins such as Yoast available on WordPress can give you a more detailed look of your SEO factors, page by page. Continue to do this once per week, one page at a time, an hour at a time to have a fully search engine optimised website.


Websites rely on images to reinforce their brand and corporate identity and also to break up a page of what would otherwise be only text. However images (especially high quality ones) tend to take that big longer to load and have a negative impact on the speed of the webpage. You can counteract this by compressing images and scaling them to dimensions that reduce the file size but make a barely noticeable change in overall picture quality. Spend one hour a week identify culprits and then auctioning them accordingly to improve the overall speed score of your website.

Quality Content 1

Websites thrive on quality content. It improves their good standing with Google, gives browsers something to interact with and shows that yours is a proper and dedicated business website. Blogs are a great way at adding quality content to your website. Not only can they help with your SEO ranking, but they are a form of communication that people respond to; so much so that some websites just comprise of blog posts with a large following. To research, write, tag and upload a blog, this should take you no more than one hour.

Quality Content 2

The same as above – you can’t go wrong with two blog posts a week on your website. Make sure to space this out (i.e. post one on a Monday and one on a Friday) so that they do not actively compete with each other. You should also make sure that your blog posts contain a minimum of 300 words in their main text body as this is the required amount that Google needs to see to recognise this as fresh and new content.

Testing and Backup

It would be a shame to lose all of the hard work that you are putting in above, so take the time once a week to back up your website should you ever need to restore your website to a previous point in time. This should not take a full hour, but will probably take a solid few minutes, so invest the time left hour in this allocated to test the features and links within your website. Do they all work and respond and behave as well as they should? If so, great – but if not, note them down and fix them where possible. Links can break and features can act up so make sure to continue these checks weekly as what works today may unexpectedly break tomorrow.

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